The Daisy Chain

Dammit Sarah Jane, we're losing our light.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Wedding Debacle

There's a movie called "The Wedding Date". It appears to be a romcom vehicle for "Grace" of "Will & Grace". Dermot Mulroney plays the part of Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". (I haven't seen the picture, just the trailer for the DVD.)

And I couldn't help but wonder, commercial viability of a reverse polarity remake of "Pretty Woman" aside, wouldn't a more realistic script have more potential?

I mean imagine the hijinks that would ensue if you took a real male escort to a wedding as your date. Between him blowing the best man on the side and doing crystal meth in the bathroom whatever pleasantries he might manage to squeek out to your "friends and family" would be pure comedy gold.


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