The Daisy Chain

Dammit Sarah Jane, we're losing our light.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Burned out on blogging

How did it come to be that we all simultaneously stopped posting? I've had a few busy weeks with grad school. Bob Jingle is making short films. And Rain Delay is, um, defending liberty or something court-related.

Where have all the bloggers gone?

And why is Ian always ahead of the curve?


Blogger Greg Tito said...

It's true. I've not had the time/energy to blog much. I've got a lot to talk about but trouble finding adequate time to waste sitting at my machine.

But how did we all have this happen at the same time?

10:06 AM  
Blogger Rain Delay said...

It's the time of year... lives/jobs get busier during the fall as everyone finally realizes they have actual work to do besides sitting around the pool chasing the muff around... breakdown!!!

I am back baby!!!

6:01 PM  

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