The Daisy Chain

Dammit Sarah Jane, we're losing our light.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jack Chick

This guy is crazy. Read the entirety of this comic here. He's got tons of these crazy things. Some of my favorites include:
He's used to have one that cleverly disproved atomic theory but I can't find it. After searching the site for a while, and becoming a little nauseous, I think he actually took that one down. I guess enough of his people thought he was retarded.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Marylin Manson vs. Nine Inch Nails

When I was in high school, my favorite "group" was Nine Inch Nails (actually just one guy, Trent Reznor).

Sometime around my sophomore year, Reznor started producing a new artist by the name of Marilyn Manson, who as a fan of Reznor's, I was expected to like.

I didn't. At the time I hated Marilyn Manson. It struck me as angry for the sake of fashion, rage as a clothing accessory. Marilyn Manson was for people who thought Rage Against the Machine was mainstream. Perhaps this was true, I can't go back in a time machine and determine how authentic the rage of the mid 90s truly was.

Now that I'm 26, I find that the music that I don't really like that much anymore is Trent Reznor's. Sure his industrial sounds are legendary and still hold up, but his lyrics are a joke. His songs inevitably pine over some unrequited love or some obsession with a potential sexual partner. I want to slap him in the head and say "get over yourself, you're too old to be acting like an angsty teenager." (As a side note, "Closer" still rocks.)

On top of that, I now think Marilyn Manson is great. I mean, talk about prescient. His lyrics address the commodification of war and religion in a way that is wholly appropriate today. I guess he was a little ahead of his time. I completely sympathize with his seething anger at this nation of zombies.

Its funny how things change.

Calm down.

The non-stop posting is driving me nuts.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The congressional pin on his lapel...

is the highlight of Tom Delay's mugshot.

FYI: Zeke is the kind of person who goes to jail just because he's filled with that much rage. He is not the kind of person that reads community blogs, so any attempts to address him directly will be made in vain.

The Wedding Debacle

There's a movie called "The Wedding Date". It appears to be a romcom vehicle for "Grace" of "Will & Grace". Dermot Mulroney plays the part of Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". (I haven't seen the picture, just the trailer for the DVD.)

And I couldn't help but wonder, commercial viability of a reverse polarity remake of "Pretty Woman" aside, wouldn't a more realistic script have more potential?

I mean imagine the hijinks that would ensue if you took a real male escort to a wedding as your date. Between him blowing the best man on the side and doing crystal meth in the bathroom whatever pleasantries he might manage to squeek out to your "friends and family" would be pure comedy gold.

Tom Delay is a tool

As his mug shot indisputably proves.

My URL is: To help Zeke avoid any confusion, this is not my URL: Poker Club columnist archive. And this is not my book: The Jock Doc's Body Repair Kit. Also worth noting: Billie Jean is not my lover, and the kid is not my son.

In the Office, NO PANTS ON

Not true actually... but my office is 300 degrees cooler than the remainder of the my office so I am the big winner.

For the record, the blog that Zeke has linked with the name Rain Delay in it, is not me. And from what I can tell that guy needs his guitar smashed Animal House style if you get my drift.

As for Zeke, do you need rules? I mean in poker you want a winner and a loser... and now with the blog, you want a theme or a focus. I say NAY sir. The beauty of what we are trying to accomplish here is that we are trying to accomplish NOTHING. So post what you want unless it is some of that crazy beastility shizzle that Bob Jingle is into... that stuff is WHACK!!!

"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." --Juan Ramon Jiminez


We need to put the word verification thingy on the comments. The bastards are already on to us.

Re: subject matter. I think that's the idea, Zac. Keep it simple, random musings that don't normally get posted on your normal blog.

ps. my url is

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

List of Contributors

It is ordered by profile number, not alphabetically.


I'm not what you would call a prolific blogger, but I try to write when I feel inspired. The problem is that my blog's theme is sort of general, and this blog's theme is entirely general, so I'm not really sure how to approach entries that make it on to my blog with regard to this blog.

So I guess I'll try to keep it simple over here:

I really need to get laid.

Send me your blog addresses...

If you want your personal blog linked to on the panel on the left, e-mail me the URL for your blog. My email address is in the poker mailing list, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Theme Developing

Not that I want to continue to harp on the concept of Porn and the important role that it plays in shaping the minds of America's youth, but as demonstrated below, even politicians (actually especially politicians) have porno on the brain...

MSNBC - Hardball with Chris Matthews

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HARDBALL HOST: Dr. Dean, were you surprised by the nomination of Harriet Miers to be a member of the United States Supreme Court?

HOWARD DEAN, CHAIRMAN, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE: I was surprised. I'm like most every other American, including the ones in Washington. We know almost nothing about her. And we have a lot of questions to be answered before she gets a lifetime appointment.

MATTHEWS: Would you have ever thought of her as a possible court nominee?

DEAN: No. You know, she's a person who's very much below the radar screen as the president's legal counsel. But there's a lot of questions. I do think the president should make sure the Senate knows about her positions that she took while she was the president's legal counsel because it's the only documentation that we're going to have about what she believes.

MATTHEWS: Do you believe that the president can claim executive privilege?

DEAN: Well, certainly the president can claim executive privilege. But in the this case, I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called. He's got to go out there and say something about this woman who's going to a 20 or 30-year appointment, a 20 or 30-year appointment to influence America. We deserve to know something about her...

The search for the Daisy Chain

Yes, it is strange how no one besides a very select few has even heard of Daisy Chain or Kirdy Stevens. The internet has nothing. I've gone into select porn stores and asked the clerks (most of whom wear a moustache and don't care to speak to their customers, much less look them in the eye or talk about a truly skillfully made pornographic film.) It's a shame, becuase if more porns actually told stories or tried to get performances from their actors then, What? I would masterbate more? I don't think that's possible. In the grand scheme, it doesn't matter but you could argue quality over quantity.

Sex is sex, but a good porn is forever.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Kirdy Stevens Production

I'm beginning to question the Internet's powers. Because there is a true paucity of information online about the film that inspired this site's title.

How Daisy Chain came into our collective conscience does not need to be rehashed, only to say that I learned a lot during that middle school birthday party about love, about relationships, and about butterfly ass tattoos. The film's premise is sublimely meta: a porno about the making of a porno. Can Nigel, the world-weary director, finish his film before the cast and crew devolve into one enormous daisy chain?

The Scorsese of smut, Kirdy Stevens, created this and such gems as Taboo I-V (plus VII but oddly not VI) and Playing with Fire. He clearly cared about the craft, making movies that wove together complex storylines with original music, humor, and, umm, blowjobs.

Sadly, he stopped making films (and they were films) in the late-'80s, and it seems Daisy Chain is out of print. So let's preserve the genius for future generations by posting our favorite lines from the film that have given us so much.
Theme song:
"Stay with me,
play with me
come join a
Daisy Chain."

"Nigel, I was BORN ready."

"I don't want to be a star in this crap. I'm an actor, goddammit. I played Chaekevara. Off-Broadway!"

"Nigel, what's my motivation?"
"FEAR. Fucking fear!"

"But what I really want to do is go to the Phillipines and do a documentary on rats."
The back cover says it better than I ever could.

"People used to throw food at me, now they don't. Maybe thats because I walk around with a bow."

What kind of movie promotion is that supposed to be? Its bad enough they've got Nicholas Cage cast as the lead, thats already one giant strike against the movie, but then they put out a trailer that only consists of one throwaway joke with no indication of what the movie is about, or why we should care.

I swear, if I was the supreme dictator of all that happened in the US, things would go a lot smoother around here.

I'm in

Signed up, ready to go.

This "meeting of minds" had better be called to order soon. I designate Rain Delay as Chairman of The Board, and he must sing and drink like the nickname implies.

Fall in boys, it's going to be a long strange trip. (I know I'm mixing metaphors so fuck off)

Friday, October 14, 2005

A Meeting of the Minds

Like most things that seem to be a success in life, we are planning to ruin every benefit that we have derived from our own blogs i.e. we get AM New York free each day... and combine our powers in order to create this new community of GIANT NERDS, which will hopefully serve as a perfect conduit by which to alienate all of our friends and destroy any potential we have for a future...

Good luck shitheads.

Rain Delay